McGlory's Curiosity Shop

Big Daruma

Hobbies and interests 興味と趣味

I have what you might call skill greed. I am simply fascinated by the learning process. The most fun I have when learning is always the beginning stages because flow states come easy and progress is rapid. Mastery is also very attractive so I have some skills that I consider my central hobbies. Here is a short list of three categories of skills that interest me. The most important are above and the least important below. The more important to me they are, the more of my lifespan I devote to their mastery.

I believe that learning itself is a skill worth mastering.

Skills I want to master マスターしたいスキル

Skills I want to be okay at 中級まで取得したいスキル

Skills I have a passing interest in 趣味でやってみたいスキル

A lantern and cherry blossoms in Shirai-juku in Shibukawa, Japan